Very good video on understanding unsaved and saved people living

in error and deception and the biblical foundations for discerning truth 

Teachings Available for Download

The Fire of the Word - "Did not our heart burn within us, while He talked with us by the way, and while He opened to us the scriptures?" Luke 24:32


"The practice of truth is the most profitable reading of it." Charles Spurgeon

Islam is a false religion

The true meaning of the "perseverance of the saints" - hearkening; and why it's so important in the last days 


"For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. "

1 Corinthians 2:2; 1:18

Sin is not just not keeping God's law (1 John 3:4), it is also failing to be what we could be and ought to be in and through Christ.

The Bread of Life Ministries - Yes,Yahweh Has Been Gracious. So, Love, Obey and Honor Him. 

Very good video on what is and what is not the true church

Very good video on

the Jezebel Spirit

Recent video by Jacob Prasch on false "revivals" and teachers - Toronto, Pensacola, Bethel & Bill Johnson, Etc.

Great video highlighting the error of atheism, the fact of God, and salvation of faith 


(Prayer for Salvation)

Re: The Enemy's Deceptions and Counterfeits

2 Corinthians 11:14-15: (14) And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. (15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

The Bible does not typically portray practitioners of the occult and the demons behind them in a particularly macabre way. We moderns have been conditioned to imagine Satan, his demons, and their human minions as dark beings of pure ugliness, bearing attributes of horror and death. We have swallowed this deception from our historical culture and from the images presented by the media to entertain the masses and make millions of dollars.
Yet, while God's Word warns us against Satanic deceptions, it does not provide the standard horror movie images. In fact, it often does just the opposite, cautioning us with the fact that the Devil and his demons do their best to appear as appealing to our senses as they can be. From what we see in Genesis 3, the serpent did not repulse Eve; to her in her innocence, he was logical and quite convincing. In Ezekiel 28, the description of the king of Tyre, a type of Satan, lauds him as “the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty” (verse 12). It describes a creature whose beauty and magnificence turned his heart proud and corrupt (verse 17).
Though he and his demons have been cast down, at least some of their beauty remains, for Paul tells us in II Corinthians 11:14-15: “Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers [servants] also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” Demons do not always look like snakes, dragons, gargoyles, or goblins but have the ability to appear attractive to us when it suits them. If accosted by a ghoul, we would shrink in horror and flee. Demons, though, are all about deception, and appearing as good and beautiful is far more subversive. People are far more likely to trust a physically appealing person than an old hag or troll.
Thus, while the tone of I Samuel 28 is at times stressed, suspicious, and fearful—as one would expect when encountering demonic powers—there is nothing blatantly horrifying or even ugly in the narrative. This tells us that a demon, being manipulative to the extreme, will appear to a person in a way that he thinks will work best for his purposes. A demon will stoop to whatever trick he deems necessary, even to appearing as a minister of righteousness.

By Richard T. Ritenbaugh (Taken from

Excellent video on the decline of "the church" and a summary of contributing 

causes and examples

True revivals are born out of repentance, preaching and obeying the Word of God, not by the claimed spirituality or theatrics of man. They are from God and reflect His holy character and not the character of man’s flesh soul and emotions. Lastly, they begin with what is unbiblical and ungodly being torn down, not with building up by the hands and aspirations of man.

Very good video on the devil's methods of attack to deceive, corrupt and destroy churches

By Charles Spurgeon - The Faithful's Battle

Revelation 12:7: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.

War always will rage between the two great sovereignties until one or other be crushed. Peace between good and evil is an impossibility; the very pretence of it would, in fact, be the triumph of the powers of darkness. Michael will always fight; his holy soul is vexed with sin, and will not endure it. Jesus will always be the dragon's foe, and that not in a quiet sense, but actively, vigorously, with full determination to exterminate evil. All His servants, whether angels in heaven or messengers on earth, will and must fight; they are born to be warriors-at the cross they enter into covenant never to make truce with evil; they are a warlike company, firm in defence and fierce in attack. The duty of every soldier in the army of the Lord is daily, with all his heart, and soul, and strength, to fight against the dragon. The dragon and his angels will not decline the affray; they are incessant in their onslaughts, sparing no weapon, fair or foul. We are foolish to expect to serve God without opposition: the more zealous we are, the more sure are we to be assailed by the myrmidons of hell. The church may become slothful, but not so her great antagonist; his restless spirit never suffers the war to pause; he hates the woman's seed, and would fain devour the church if he could. The servants of Satan partake much of the old dragon's energy, and are usually an active race. War rages all around, and to dream of peace is dangerous and futile. Glory be to God, we know the end of the war. The great dragon shall be cast out and for ever destroyed, while Jesus and they who are with Him shall receive the crown. Let us sharpen our swords to-night, and pray the Holy Spirit to nerve our arms for the conflict. Never battle so important, never crown so glorious. Every man to his post, ye warriors of the cross, and may the Lord tread Satan under your feet shortly!

Charles Spurgeon - Hebrews 13:13: “Let us go forward therefore to Him, outside the camp.”

Jesus, bearing His cross, went forward to suffer outside the gate of Jerusalem, which symbolizes His being not a part of the worldly false religion and sin system that was against Him and falsely accusing Him. The Christian's reason for leaving the camp of the world's sin and false religion is not because he loves to be alone, but because Jesus did so; and a true disciple of Jesus must follow his Master.[Even though He was in it] Christ was "not of the world:" His life and His lifestyle were a constant protest and example against being like the world. There has never been such an overflowing love for people as you find in Jesus; but still He was separate from sinners in that He did not in any way live like the world or share in their sin. Just like Jesus, His true people must go forward with Him and live as He did. We must take and keep our position "outside the camp," [meaning apart from worldly ways] as witnesses for His truth, the only truth. We must walk the straight and narrow path just as He did. We must have bold, unflinching, unshakeable lion-like hearts, loving Christ first, and His truth next, and Christ and His truth over all the world. Jesus would have His people "go forward outside the camp" for our own sanctification [the process of being made holy]. You cannot grow in grace to any high level while you are conformed to [living like] the world. The life of separation will include some sorrow, but it is the place of safety in Christ; and though the separated and Godly life will have some hard and difficult things and some sadness in it, and every day will be a battle, yet it is a joyful, abundant and eternal life for sure, promised by God to all true followers of Christ. No joy is more than the joy of a true soldier of Christ: Jesus reveals [shows and shares] Himself so graciously, and gives such sweet refreshment, that His warrior feels more calm and peace in his daily battles and challenges than others in their hours of worldly false “rest”. A life of holiness is a life of communion [personal, close fellowship and oneness with Jesus]. We shall win the crown by faith and God’s grace to help us truly, faithfully follow Christ "outside the camp." The crown of glory will follow the cross of separation. The times of difficulty we will face will be far more repaid by the eternal life, honor and glory we receive from God; a little while of being Jesus’ witnesses on this fallen earth will seem short when we are "forever with the Lord." [slightly edited]