​​​​The Importance of Walking the Word

We are to overcome and become perfected/complete to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:13. We are to become mature sons of God and part of the made-ready bride of the Lamb - One Family, One Kingdom, Perfected and United in Christ. Romans 8:14; Revelation 19:7; 21-3; Luke 17:21 Ephesians 1:10; John 14:23; 17:21-23​​

"​And Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.'" John 6:35

We are to overcome as Jesus overcame. Revelation 3:21. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against dark spirit powers of wickedness. Ephesians 6:12. The Lord is a warrior and we were made in His image and likeness. Exodus 15:3; Genesis 1:26. We are to be good soldiers of Jesus Christ and the gates of hell shall not prevail against us. 2 Timothy 2:3; Matthew 16:18

Charles Spurgeon

Revelation 12:7
Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.
War always will rage between the two great sovereignties until one or other be crushed. Peace between good and evil is an impossibility; the very pretence of it would, in fact, be the triumph of the powers of darkness. Michael will always fight; his holy soul is vexed with sin, and will not endure it. Jesus will always be the dragon's foe, and that not in a quiet sense, but actively, vigorously, with full determination to exterminate evil. All His servants, whether angels in heaven or messengers on earth, will and must fight; they are born to be warriors-at the cross they enter into covenant never to make truce with evil; they are a warlike company, firm in defence and fierce in attack. The duty of every soldier in the army of the Lord is daily, with all his heart, and soul, and strength, to fight against the dragon. The dragon and his angels will not decline the affray; they are incessant in their onslaughts, sparing no weapon, fair or foul. We are foolish to expect to serve God without opposition: the more zealous we are, the more sure are we to be assailed by the myrmidons of hell. The church may become slothful, but not so her great antagonist; his restless spirit never suffers the war to pause; he hates the woman's seed, and would fain devour the church if he could. The servants of Satan partake much of the old dragon's energy, and are usually an active race. War rages all around, and to dream of peace is dangerous and futile. Glory be to God, we know the end of the war. The great dragon shall be cast out and for ever destroyed, while Jesus and they who are with Him shall receive the crown. Let us sharpen our swords to-night, and pray the Holy Spirit to nerve our arms for the conflict. Never battle so important, never crown so glorious. Every man to his post, ye warriors of the cross, and may the Lord tread Satan under your feet shortly!

Drunk with the World's False Gods and Idols

Hosea 4:11-12
(11) Harlotry, wine, and new wine enslave the heart. 
(12) My people ask counsel from their wooden idols,
and their staff informs them. For the spirit of harlotry has caused them to stray, and they have played the harlot against their God. 

Undoubtedly, the Israelites of Hosea's day were literally getting drunk and involved in harlotry, but for us today the application is spiritual. At the end time, God predicts, His people will be deceived by a force near demoniacal in its deceptive power. Because of their closeness to the world, they will share the great harlot's attitude, "drunk with the wine of her fornication" (Revelation 17:2).

Hosea's word-picture illustrates the effect a drug like alcohol has on a person's mind. Under the influence of alcohol, one's reactions slow, even though the person thinks he has better control. Most fatal accidents in the United States involve automobiles and roughly half of them occur with at least one driver under the influence. In driving while intoxicated, one's ability to make right decisions is severely hampered. Alcohol obscures judgment. When one cannot think clearly, a sound judgment is nearly impossible.

Linked to this inability to make sound judgments is the destruction of inhibitions, modesty and restraint. In addition, alcohol produces a false sense of security and confidence, so people do silly and senseless things while drunk and regret them along with their hangovers.

The same process occurs to a person drunk with the wine of the wrath of this spiritual prostitute. The attitude of this world deprives people of their spiritual judgment and removes their spiritual inhibitions. Their resistance to evil weakens, and they will begin to do things that they vowed they would never do. Like a drunken man's fidelity to his wife is destroyed by wine, so is a Christian's loyalty to God when he imbibes of this world's attitudes. His judgment is shattered. www.theberean.org


The Bread of Life Ministries - Yes,Yahweh Has Been Gracious. So, Love, Obey and Honor Him. 

Since God is holy, the people He chooses for Himself must also be holy, a principle that continues under the New Covenant. As God lives by high standards, so must His people keep those same high standards as an example to the rest of the world. Just as a human government sends out ambassadors to other nations to represent it in its affairs within those nations, God chooses His "own special people" to represent Him - to "be holy as He is holy" and to be His "ambassadors" and represent Him now and eternally.


"O let us prove our gratitude by our devotion, and live as those who, having claimed a privilege, are willing to take the responsibility connected with it." Charles Spurgeon

Spiritual Warfare
Time, Season, Temporal &
Eternal Purposes


Matthew 24:28: For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.

Luke 17:34-37: (34) I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. (35) Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left. (36) Twomen will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left." (37) And they answered and said to Him, "Where, Lord?" So He said to them, "Wherever the body is, there the eagles will be gathered together." 

In addition to a wake of vultures being a symbol of God's judgment of shame, a gathering of vultures also indicates a diseased spiritual condition. In Revelation 18:2, Babylon the Great is described as being “a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird.”

Vultures are undoubtedly at the top of the list of unclean and hated birds! End-time Babylon is the focal point of demonic spirits, which are likened to unclean birds. Both of them prey on the sick and the injured, and they gather where death is.

Even so, our greatest threat is not the Tribulation at the end! As bad as it will be, far worse is being spiritually unprepared when Christ returns and being judged as unworthy to enter the Kingdom. This is what the Parable of the Ten Virgins and the Parable of the Wedding Feast describe. This is the substance of the warnings about Christ's return being like a thief in the night—coming when He is completely unexpected. This is why He warns us against neglecting so great asalvation and against being led astray by the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the pleasures of life. Jesus warns us to keep us on the path of life, so that we do not fall to the birds of prey that stalk the spiritually dying.

We are given the charge to come out of Babylon, so we do not share in her sins or in her judgment (Revelation 18:4). If we have a discerning heart, we should have a good idea of what will attract the vultures, as it will be giving off the smell of spiritual death. Godgives us that discerning heart, so we can make good choices.

Do we really believe the scriptures about the swiftness of Christ's return? It is easy to look at world events and compare them to our understanding of prophecy; we know that things are bad and getting worse—but the end still seems to be just over the horizon. Because it is not here yet, it is easy to conclude, even subconsciously, that there is no need to become serious just yet.

However, this conclusion is filled with assumptions. One is that our understanding of end-time events is correct! A second assumption is that, even if we do have correct understanding, we will never lose it through deception. A third is that our faith will remain constant until the end. A fourth is that, when we do decide to get serious, that we will have ample time to build character, take on the image of God, and complete our sanctification. A fifth is that our Creator will go along with our agenda of pushing Him off until the last minute.

These are a lot of assumptions! If we are misjudging these things, we may hear those terrible words, “I never knew you; depart from Me” (Matthew 7:23)!

If we are delaying the time to start seeking God, the vultures may be eyeing us as ones who may not spiritually survive what lies ahead. Perhaps all of us have seen this happen to people we care about. If we are spiritually sick or injured, there is no time like the present to seek our Healer and Protector to beat off the hated birds!

In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, the foolish ones thought they had more time. They were probably aware that their reserves of oil were not as full as they could be, but they may have assumed that they could always attend to that later. They did not count on falling asleep. They did not count on life happening, that something would prohibit them from taking care of preparations they had put off.

A lesson we can draw is that, if we are not putting everything we have into our calling right now, how much time is left does not matter. If that is the case, we may find ourselves, like the foolish virgins, suddenly awake and realizing we cannot get ready in time. What we claimed we wanted will have slipped through our grasp, one day at a time.

Judgment is coming on the world, but it is on the house of God right now (I Peter 4:17). A gathering of eagles—a wake of vultures—is a symbol of God's judgment on those who stubbornly resist coming into alignment with Him. Vultures will literally gather for those who rebel against God in the final battle (Revelation 19:17-21), and they are metaphorically already circling those who cannot tear themselves away from Babylon—those who are on such good terms with the world that they are giving off the scent of spiritual death.

The multitude of warnings and prophecies means that it is a possibility for us, because it is a certainty for some. Yet, with all that God makes available, there is no good reason for that judgment to fall o
n us.


Jesus said, "If you love Me, you will keep My commandments and word." John 14:21, 23. We provide Scripture and teachings on Scripture to help provide understanding of its true meaning and help people "walk just as He walked." 1 John 2:6  You cannot walk in the power of Christ unless you walk in the character of Christ. While we do try to help explain Scripture, we do not add to or take away from the Word of God. Deuteronomy 12:32

​​​​​​​​The Bread of Life Ministries is simply and purely about true faith in and devotion to Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:3. "And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him." Hebrews 5:9

We can "hasten" Christ’s return by being "made ready". However, Jesus’ bride – the true church – cannot be made ready if she is deceived. 2 Peter 3:12; Revelation 19:7-9; Matthew 24:24; 2 Corinthians 11:2-4

​We are not in the business of ministry. We don't desire to make names for ourselves or obtain material gain or a following. We don't sell anything. We tell the truth about Jesus...and it really is that simple.​ After all, He is the only Way, Truth and Life and no one comes to God except through Him. ​John 14:6


​We don't sugar coat or water down the truth. We speak it boldly and righteously, in jealously and zeal for our Lord, but also in love. We reject the hypocrisy, deception, false teaching and teachers, apostasy and other ungodliness that permeates so much of "the church" and "ministry". We believe in the true, biblical church - a body of born again followers of Jesus Christ who actually live with Him as Lord of their lives. Trust not in lost, false worldly leaders, false religion, the false "church," or counterfeit "Christianity"; trust only in He whose name is Faithful and True, His Word, His Spirit and His voice. Revelation 19:11, 13; Romans 8:9; John 10:27


​Is it not time to reveal the real and for God's true remnant to arise and shine? Isaiah 60:1-2​​​